Backpacking San Gorgonio Mountain Via Vivian Creek

Distance: 17 Miles  |  Elevation Gain: 5,840 Ft  |  Campsite: High Creek Camp

We pulled in to a pitch black trailhead parking lot at 5:30am, the headlights of our Outback eerily illuminating two other parked cars. It was the first time we'd be starting a hike in complete darkness and I was admittedly a little nervous. But as we left the warmth of our heated seats and stepped out into the brisk morning air, all apprehension was replaced by awe at an early morning sky full of stars that were definitely not visible when we left the city just a couple hours earlier. Shortly after, another vehicle arrived and I half jokingly asked David if he thought they were hikers or hooligans. "Do hooligans drive Land Rovers?" he replied, cool as a cucumber. Seconds later, two women stepped out in stylish hiking gear and we chuckled. Yep, definitely hooligans. With our packs strapped on and GPS activated, we walked out into the blackness to begin the first couple miles with just our headlamps, the moonlight and of course the sound of Shiba paws to guide the way. 


Halfway up the steep 1000' vertical ascent that begins after the Mill Creek crossing, there was finally enough light in the sky for us to ditch the headlamps. At the end of one of the switchbacks, there was an opening looking out over Mill Creek Canyon and we took a second to take in a well-earned view, just made all the sweeter by the glorious layers of a dawn sky.  


We reached Half Way Camp by 8am and debated whether to set up home base there or continue on another 2.5 miles to High Creek Camp, which would have significantly better views and is also the more popular of the two campsites. We decided to carry on and booked it to High Creek by 10am. 


The rangers had warned us of snow and ice starting from 7500' so we were fully expecting the possibility of camping on snow since High Creek sits at 9200'. To our pleasant surprise, most of the campsites were dry and we found ourselves a spot with a good view and decent wind protection. We pitched our tent, swapped our heavy packs out for lighter day packs all too gladly, and pressed onward for the final, dreadful 3 miles to the summit. I know 3 miles doesn't sound all that bad on paper, but imagine it at altitude (which makes breathing more labored) through ankle deep snow after hiking a good 6 miles with 25lb and 30lb packs. Let's just say that the only one having a grand old time the entire way up was the dude with four legs. 


About a half mile from the summit as we were trudging up the windy, diagonal traverse below the ridge, we started noticing that some hikers ahead of us were turning around. I looked ahead to the saddle leading to summit and saw snow literally being blasted into the air and swirling around before disappearing into the wind. They had tried to figure out a way to pass, the (bigger and stronger than us) hiker said, but it was impossible to even stand up straight. We stared at the summit, visible in the distance, just calling to us like the one ring. We had come so far. But hey, 11,000' was just as good as 11,503' if it meant living another day. A mountain as high as San Gorgonio pretty much makes it's own weather, and if it decides that you shall not pass, you respect it. If you're wondering what the summit actually looks like, prepare to be not that awed by this photo we took back in 2015.


So back down the mountain we went, a little disappointed but secretly a little relieved. Back in 2015, we had said "never again" to San Gorgonio, but here we were again, suckers for punishment. I had wondered since then if Hoku, being older than the first time he climbed this mountain with us, would ever be able to do it again. And the answer was a resounding yes. And he schooled us, just like the first time. And I'm pretty sure he could do it again in another three years.


We returned back down to 9200' to find our campsite awash with magic hour light. Using our new, super light Snow Peak LiteMax stove (which replaced our heavier Jetboil) we made and scarfed down a dinner of Backpacker's Pantry Kung Pao Rice with Chicken. While it was decently edible, I would not recommend it for cold weather, high altitude camping. Not only does it take twice as long to cook at higher altitudes, meaning that it will not be hot when you're finally able to eat it, it also includes these two packets of peanuts and chili flakes that are sealed in cold finger-proof, industrial grade thick plastic without easy to open tabs. A real PITA. 

The real treat was a cup of hot instant tofu miso soup that David so thoughtfully packed in the bear bin for me. My absolute favorite camp food. Next time, I'll pack a little ball of rice to add in and it'd be perfection. 

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↑A beautiful view of the "switchbacks of death" from our camp. 

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We watched the sky change from a fiery orange to vibrant purples and pinks before calling it an early night, tucking into our sleeping bags at about 7pm. The winds gusted sporadically and we drifted to sleep feeling downright fortunate to have an all-encompassing shelter, unlike our crazy camp neighbors who were um,  sleeping in hammocks. At 3am, our alarms went off and we awoke to an ungodly chill of 15° F. I squinted out of my sleeping bag to find David and a Rumpl-wrapped Hoku staring down at me. "Happy birthday," he grinned with a slight shiver. (Yes, the hilarity of choosing to wake up in a freezer on my birthday does not elude me.) We quickly ate a breakfast of frozen energy bars washed down with hot coffee before packing up camp at lightning speed to keep warm. With headlamps lighting the way, we began the long trek down the mountain, fueled by thoughts of a large bowl of hot pho waiting for us upon our return to civilization. 


So there we were, two humans and a dog, hiking together down the tallest mountain in Southern California at 4:30am, to the sound of microspikes crunching into the ice beneath our feet, under the canvas of this insanely stunning starry sky. (Can you spot Jupiter and the constellation Hydra?) I don't think I've ever rang in a birthday in such a surreal and unbelievably epic way. Here's to 33. I think it's gonna be a good one.

Tahquitz Peak Via Devil's Slide Trail

Distance: 8.6 Miles  |  Elevation Gain: 2800 Ft

We started our drive at 5:30am, catching the pinkish-purplish hues of morning sky as we sped along the winding mountain road into Idyllwild from Banning. We never really consider hiking in the San Jacinto area due to the State Park's tight restrictions on canine companions but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that this gem of a trail stayed within the bounds of the dog friendly San Jacinto Wilderness. 


The first stretch of the trail offers some amazing views of Lily Rock and Tahquitz Peak looming high above. It's one of those hikes where you can clearly see your destination from the bottom, which can be equally awe-inspiring and intimidating. The trail continues upwards gradually, making it a fairly pleasant trek despite some occasional icy sections. Soon, views of Suicide Rock on the opposite ridge emerges. With the moon still shining bright in the morning sky and the receding shadow of Tahquitz slowly revealing the valley below, it was truly a glorious sight.


At Saddle Junction, Devil's Slide intersects with a network of other trails within both San Jacinto Wilderness and San Jacinto State Park, including the famous Pacific Crest Trail.

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The section of the trail along the north face right before the summit was my absolute favorite. We climbed along a narrow, snow-covered path that curved across a steep and exposed slope with an amazing view of the valley below and Mount San Jacinto to the right. If the hike up to Mount San Jacinto looks anything like this, I now understand why so many call it their favorite of the Six Pack of Peaks.


We reached the historic Tahquitz Peak fire lookout at 8,846 ft and had it to ourselves! Built in 1937, it undergoes continuous restoration using only hand tools as power tools, even cordless ones, are prohibited in the wilderness area. We sadly discovered upon arrival that dogs were not allowed on the tower so Hoku, being a good boy, waited patiently for us at the bottom of the stairs. (Poor kid.) After a few quick photos, we rejoined him to explore the surrounding boulders and take in a view that seemed to stretch on forever. Apparently, you can even see all the way to Catalina Island on a crystal clear day. 

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Tahquitz Peak could very well be our new favorite hike. Well worth the early morning wake up call and the hour and a half drive to get there. Gotta hand it to you, San Jacinto Wilderness, you really are as stunning as they say.

January In Review

I thought I'd set a blogging goal this year of sharing monthly highlights. A little bit of everything from new projects and weekend adventures to the more mundane scenes of everyday life around the house. 

So here is our January in review:

We celebrated the anniversary of bringing Hoku home, backpacked San Bernardino, hiked up a snowy Mount Baden-Powell, started cooking more veggie-based meals, ate pancakes at midnight twice, made three batches of European-style yogurt in the instant pot, hosted our first brunch with friends...and I finally learned how to knit! In the garden, the camellias are in bloom and the mandarin orange tree has more fruit than we know what to do with. We harvested some surprise yellow bell peppers that survived the winter, picked our first Valencia orange, and cleared out the wild basil growing in our garden bed to make room for some winter greens. 

On the less charming side of life, we did find ourselves perched on a ladder in the pouring rain at 6:30am because forgetting that there is a gutter full of leaves is what happens when you live in a place that receives a whopping 0.1" of rain all December. 

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January hasn't been without it's downs, but I'd say it's been a pretty good start to the year so far.